Registration for the Summer 2025 Course is now open. Classes will remain open until filled by qualified students.

This course is mainly for rising eighth, ninth, and tenth graders who would like to engage in high-level problem-solving up to the USAMO level. Problems will be selected from a variety of sources and problem-solving techniques will be developed and applied. Other topics of interest, such as advanced number theory, combinatorics, and advanced topics from geometry will be discussed. The student should have the ability to reason abstractly and the desire to solve challenging problems in order to be successful in this course.

We are planning to have two levels of APS. Dr. Ryan Grove is scheduled to instruct the more experienced students. He currently teaches problem-solving versions of Calculus and Post Calculus courses as well as Physics at BASIS Independent Mclean.

Students who were very successful in the Math Reasoning course and/or advanced math courses from CTY (Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth) or Stanford’s Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) should be prepared for this course. Acceptance to programs such as MathPath as well as a score of 90 or above on the AMC10/12 also serve as excellent predictors of success in this course.

Even though we will have two levels of APS, the entry-level section will be quite rigorous. Students will be assigned to their respective sections based on their mathematics course backgrounds and problem-solving experience.



July 21 - August 1

1 PM – 4 PM

Vern Williams and Dr. Ryan Grove

Class Size:
We will have two levels and will assign a maximum of 12 students to each class.


Meridian High School

121 Mustang Alley

Falls Church, VA 22043
